Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Ternyata membaca itu menyenangkan...

ヽ( ̄д ̄;)ノ Sudah lama gak isi2 blog lagi! Padahal kemarin2 sudah sempat bersemangat buat selalu bisa ngupdate blog.. eh ternyata tidak dilanjutkan lagi. Ini sama aja dgn jalan yg tersendat2.. ugghh... Ya sudah hari ini saja mulai mengupdate kembali. (´・_・`) Sebenernya sih gak ada sesuatu hal yg perlu bgt buat sampai dituliskan disini. Sebelum lihat2 kembali isi blog daku.. sebelumnya melihat dan membaca cerita2 menarik dari blogger seseorang yg bernama nino siapaa gituu.. huaa lupaaa.. (maaf ya nino) . . .(; ̄ェ ̄) Tak kusangka ada juga orang yg kreatif suka bercerita melalui tulisan, brani mengungkapkan kata2 dan menggambarkan situasi yg terjadi di dalam cerita2nya tersebut. MANTAP! Teruskan ya nino.. ahh salahh nino kan nama salah satu karakter yg ada didalam ceritanya, yg bener namanya adalah ninu!!! ( ^^;;;;)
Sebelum gak sengaja dapet bloggernya dia, daku sedang mencari2 image yg bersangkutan dengan GOTHIC LOLITA atau yg jg dikenal dengan sebutan AMARORI.. aku baru saja join dalam sebuah group di online community, dimana group ini selalu aktif (sepertinya) dalam menge-post berita2 seputar dunia GOTHIC LOLITA ini. Aku gak terlalu tau tentang seluk-beluknya amarori ini sih, jadi kepingin tau sedikit lebih banyak dari yg sudah kuketahui sebelomnya. Awal2 aku hanya tertarik dengan fashion stylenya dan dari situ kemudian aku bisa menghargai warna hitam (^____^)... karena sebelumnya pengertianku tentang warna hitam adalah warna yg mati dan gelap, dan sekarang telah berubah menjadi warna yg cukup elegant, bahkan merupakan salah satu warna yg classic selain warna coklat tua, abu2 dan maroon/crimson, untuk kategori warna2 ku pribadi. Dari tadi sudah kutemukan beberapa brand fashion gothic dari berbagai narasumber. Aku hanya suka melihat dan mungkin suatu hari nanti dapat kugambar dan kupakaikan kepada tokoh2 random gambaranku. Aku bukan salah satu konsumen daripada fashion gothic ini aku hanya penggemar yg suka mencuci mata dengan cara mengkoleksi dan menyimpannya didalam database pribadiku saja. Buat apa? yah untuk itu tadi . . . . Aneh ya? Ah sudah2.. biarkan saja aku sendiri yg menikmatinya   (・`ω´・)  !!! ~~ kan masing2 orang mempunyai seleranya masing2 ! ( ^ ^;;;; ). Wah sudah cukup panjang ya? Seperti menulis essay saja he-he-he. 
Sekian dulu ya.. lain kali disambung lg bila ada waktu.. Oyasumi~

Friday, October 7, 2011

After a long time..

ただいま . . . (●´∀`●) !!!!
Okay I just want to be my self~ ! Malem ini gw semangad bgt soalnya gak sengaja nemuin sesuatu. Okay what did I found? It's Danny Choo's website. Gw pernah tau tentang dia sedikit saat ntn program di Channel Animax- itu pada saat gw masi subscribed Animax di Indovision. Cuman yah skarang udah gak lagi soalnya pindah rumah & gak pake indovision lg *cries* ( TДT)... Kembali ke Danny Choo's website sangat menyenangkan berkeliling2 exploring websnya.^^ Intinya begitulah mngapa diriku menggambar dolfie..  
My another reason drawing this at the moment I feel like I am interested of the beauty of dollism. (〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ

Monday, August 1, 2011

Steppin' Out

I want to talk about asking or praying to God (Jesus) for a healing for the sick. 
But I will tell it later after I put a song that I just reminded on my head. 
From this song, I pray, you can understand how God is truly love you guys.

:D Here now I start....

Before the world begin you were on His mind
And every tear you've cried is precious to His eye
Because of His great love, He gave His only Son
and everything was done so you would come.

There's nothing you can do to make Him love you more
There's nothing you have done can make Him close the door
Because of His great love, He gave His only Son
and everything was done so you would come.

So come to the Father
though your gift is small
Broken heart, broken life He will take them all
The power of His love
The power of His blood
and everything was done so you would come.

As I have promised in the beginning now I would start to talk about it then. :D
If we have friend, family, even our selves, or just anybody who is sick and we want to pray for them
so God would send healing for them, was also what I used to pray.

But I have received a lesson to ask/pray/seek more than just a healing for that person. 
I believe that Jesus absolutely can heal people who are sick, even He can raise people from the death.
The thing is now I understand that in any time we have to surrender all to God not forcing our own will.
That is because God knows the best more than us. He can see beyond humans understanding.
He knows the plans He has for us. There's nothing in this world that is just happen out of His plans.
God is under control of everything. So everything happens for a reason.
More over, God would not let His people to be tempted without giving a way out to them. 
The true nature of God is He is a loving God and His love is true. 
In Romans 5:8 is said, "[8] But God demonstrates His own love for us in this:
While we were still sinners, Christ 
(Jesus) died for us."

So don't forget that nothing can separate us from God's love.
Romans 8:38-39 says, "[38] For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,
neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, [39] neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation,
will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

So then we can, of course, ask for God's healing for those who are sick (or for ourselves)
but don't forget that we also need to understand that God can use anything to teach His people to know His presence in their lives. 

If we have our trust in God then, I pray, through this sharing we all will understand more and more about 
what God truly wants us to understand, or to see things by our faith.
As 2 Corinthians 5:7 says, "[7] For we live by faith, not by sight."

Saturday, July 30, 2011

A Sweet Forgiveness And Hope

There is a feeling of joyful when I see one more people is saved by Jesus Christ. 
There's a feeling of sad when I see people who refuse to receive the love from Jesus. 
God is offering love to humans and forgiveness for the wrong things they have done, in the past and in the present.
There is still a hope for all people and for this world as long as Jesus has not come back at His second coming.
God still shows to us His grace and love and mercy. 
He doesn't want to see many will suffer on the eternal flame at all the rest of their lives both, now while people still live in this world (present) & later after they died.

You know what is the interesting part of God's love in Jesus Christ? :D

He is a loving God. Refuse to let His people suffer. So He gives a way out when troubles/trials come in their ways. 
His words in 1 Corinthians 10:13 says, "No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it."
In fact, there are many people who commit suicide when they see there's no way out for their problems. 
But apparently JESUS HAS THE WAY OUT OF EVERY PROBLEMS YOU MAY HAVE. Jesus is the LORD. He is amazing. There's nothing that He can not do.
What is impossible to us is never impossible for Jesus. His ways beyond words can describe.
He doesn't care of who you are. Even if you never know Him before but you want to trust Him, to trust your problems into His hands, then all you need to do is just come to Him and tell Him how much you need Him. He is doing it out of His love. He doesn't need your money that caused "From Him everything comes, through Him everything exists and in Him everything ends." (Romans 11:36). 
He owns everything, mates!! :D

And in Jesus, there's only a relationship. He never offers a religion that because He knows religion can never save people's life.
Religion is there to make some rules & regulations to keep us away from doing not right. The fact is by knowing what's doing right and what's doing wrong actually triggering us to do the bad things rather than the good ones, if you want to be honest. 

So Jesus offers LOVE, HOPE, and FORGIVENESS. 
Jesus admits, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father (God) except through me." (John 14:6) 

Most people allergic to hear a word of ' DON'T ', like my self. 
And also we don't want to be judged guilty all the time, right?
By trying hard to obeying rules when we know it is really hard to do it just by leaning on our own strength have kept us in frustration, stress, and even madness.
The only reason why Jesus says to us ' don't ' is just because He loves us like a love of a Father to His sons.
The illustration is like this:
A kid who is going to eat pizza with his Dad doesn't know the pizza is still really hot. 
His Dad certainly know the pizza is just out from the oven, and if his son put it right away into his mouth at that time, he will surely get his tongue burned.
So his Dad says "No, not now son. I will tell you when it is already okay to eat it."

Jesus is just like the Father, in that illustration, to us. He knows what is awaiting us in the front when we can not see it by our own (bared) eyes.
Too often people difficult to believe as well as to accept this truth. But if you are of the people who believe or just believe in Him then relax! All you need to do is just learning to trust Him a 100% as He knows the plans He has for you.
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11).

Okay I think I have to stop talking now and will start to talk about some more interesting facts later.
Feel free to drop some comments if you have burdens/problems to pray for, or maybe you need words for encouragement. 

Oh one more thing folks... just believe Jesus loves you whoever you are, no matter what yo! :D

God bless you according to the richest of His glory!!! 

Shalom (Peace be to you).

Thursday, July 14, 2011


I drew this and named it "Dreams". Every time I speak the word of dreams, I remembered of one song. The song is called dreams too. I got it from a friend. It looks like the song fit to this drawing very well. I kinda miss that song :-)


I Dream...

I dream of floating away on a cloud 
I dream of catching a falling star
I dream of day 
And night
I dream of the moon 
I dream of stars 
I dream of going to Mars
I dream of love 
And I dream sweet dreams. 

The poem is created by Tsunami HiroshiSu.

About Me

My photo
I love drawing and design. Sometimes I love to watch animation such like Studio Ghibli's collection, The Tokyo Godfathers, etc. I live in a world that has lost its interest and hope to God but God whom I know hasn't lost His interest and hope for you, you, and you. And I am going to tell you my awesome life's experiences when I walk with God All Powerful whose name's Jesus Christ.